found: Work cat: Trigger warnings, 2017:ECIP introduction (looks at the history and theories of trigger warnings, ethics of use, and case studies from instructors and students describing instances when trigger warnings were and were not used; aka content warnings; appear on blog posts, news stories fan fiction online; alert readers that the content may be difficult to view)
found: ERIC database, viewed March 29, 2017:in Boysen, G. Instructors' use of trigger warnings and behavior warnings in abnormal psychology, in Teaching of psychology 43.4 (Ocober 2016) (College students have been increasingly demanding warnings and accommodations in relation to course topics they believe will elicit strong, negative emotions. These "trigger warnings" are highly relevant to Abnormal Psychology because of the sensitive topics covered in the course (e.g., suicide, trauma, sex))
found: The chronicle of higher education www homepage, viewed March 29, 2017, Leiter, B. Academic ethics : the legal tangle of 'trigger warnings', November 13, 2016.
found: New York Times Sunday review, September 19, 2015, Manne, K. Why I use trigger warnings.
found: Merriam Webster online, April 24, 2017:trigger warning (a statement cautioning that content (as in a text, video, or class) may be disturbing or upsetting)