found: Work cat: 2018028804: Steen, G.J. Visual Metaphor, 2018:ECIP galley (visual metaphor is media of communication, including gesture and body language, sound and music, and film and visuals; the wide range of nonverbal metaphor and its processing has neither been empirically investigated on the same scale nor with the same rigour as metaphor; behaviourally founded approach to structure and processes of metaphor in one of these nonverbal manifestations, namely static visuals)
found: Visual metaphor, article by Richard Nordquist in, viewed Aug 23, 2018:(a visual metaphor is the representation of a person, place, thing, or idea by means of a visual image that suggests a particular association or point of similarity. It's also known as a pictorial metaphor and analogical juxtaposition)
found: "Creating effective visual metaphors", article by V.S. Williams, in www.personal.psu.enu, viewed Aug 23, 2018:(visual metaphor is one image or set of images used in place of another to suggest an analogy between the two images or sets of images)