found: Work cat.: Drucker, J. Lesbian and gay families speak out, ©1998:p. 14 (families headed by lesbian or gay parents; gay and lesbian parents and their children) p. 16 (families of gay men and lesbians) p. 23 (gay- and lesbian-headed families) p. 37 (an integral part or many gay- and lesbian-headed families is the raising of children)
found: Mezey, S.G. Gay families and the courts, ©2009.
found: Brill, S.A. The queer parent's primer, ©2001:t.p. (a lesbian and gay families' guide to navigating the straight world)
found: Gay families : exploring gay families around the world, via Pink families website, Dec. 13, 2018(gay families; more female same-sex couples as compared to male same-sex couples have children in their homes; when gay families have children they, on average, have one child. Gay families also usually have fewer children than the national average and fewer than straight couples)
found: Black, D.A. The economics of lesbian and gay families, in Journal of economic perspectives, spring 2007:p. 53 (families with same-sex partners; gay- and lesbian-headed families; gay and lesbian families) p. 55 (gay and lesbian families, defined here as households in which the householder reports having a same-sex partner) p. 57 (gay and lesbian couples in the United States have far fewer children than comparable heterosexual couples. The vast majority of children live with a biological parent; in the case of children residing in gay and lesbian households, many have a gay or lesbian parent who was previously married (or in a smaller number of cases, a gay or lesbian parent who is still married) to a person of the opposite sex) p. 58 (same-sex and heterosexual families)
found: Erera, P.I. Family diversity, ©2002:p. 160 (It is only recently that a significant number of lesbian and gay families have come out of the closet, that lesbian and gay couples are claiming the right to live as a family, and that lesbian and gay couples have openly given birth to, adopted, and fostered children, all within the lesbian or gay family unit)
found: Ryan, M. Constructing Gay and Lesbian Parent Families "Beyond the Closet," in Qualitative sociology 32(2), 2009, via SpringerLink, Feb. 15, 2019.
found: LGBTQIAHeatlhcareGuild WWW site, Feb. 15, 2019:(families with gay parents)
found: Google, Feb. 15, 2019:("families with gay parents": 11,800 hits; "gay-parent families": 9,900 hits; "gay families": 284,000 hits)