found: Work cat.: 82-1859: Antacids in the eighties : Symposium on Antacids, Hamburg, June 1980 ... 1982.
found: Web. 3(Antacid; var. Antiacid)
found: NLM.
found: NIH(Gastrointestinal agents, Antacids)
found: Dorland's med. dict.(Antacid)
found: Stedman's med. dict.(Antacid)
found: Gould med. dict.(a substance that neutralizes acids or relieves acidity)
found: Chem. abst.(Antacids (used in medical sense))
found: Meyers, F.H. Review of medical pharm. 5th ed.:Index (Antacids) p. 317 (Antacids "Gastric antacids")