The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)


  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Armãni
    • Aromâni
    • Aroumanians
    • Arumani
    • Arumanians
    • Cutsovlachs
    • Kutso-Vlachs
    • Macedo-Romanians
    • Macedo-Vlachs
    • Macedoromanians
    • Rãmãni
    • Rumâńii
    • Tsintsars
    • Tzintzars
    • Vlachs
    • Vlahs
    • Vlakhi
    • Vlaš
    • Vlasi
    • Vollochs
    • Volokhi
    • Walha
    • Wallachs
    • Wlochy
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Broader Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Earlier Established Forms

    • Arumanians
  • Sources

    • found: Shattered eagles, Balkan fragments, c1995:jacket (the Vlachs of the Central Balkans)
    • found: The encyclopedia of the peoples of the world, 1993(Vlachs (Kutso-Vlachs; s.d. Romenii); the term Vlachs, Wallachs, or Vollochs is a Slavic form of the German "Waelch" which designated Latin-speakers of the Balkan Peninsula (thus Wallach is one of the names for the Romanians))
    • found: Vlasi, ili, Rumuni iz istočne Srbije i "Vlaško pitanje," 2002:t.p. (Rumâńii)
    • found: Alekseeva, T.I. Vlakhi, 2003.
    • found: Orbis Latinus web site, Apr. 12, 2004(Slavs borrowed from Germans the name Walha as a designation for the Romance-speaking peoples under the forms Vlakhi or Vlasi (in South-Slavic languages), Volokhi (in East-Slavic languages), or Wlochy (in Polish))
    • found: Britannica online, June 20, 2017(Vlach, also spelled Vlah, autonyms Armãn and Rãmãn, also called Aromanian, Macedoromanian, and Macedo-Vlach, any of a group of Romance-language speakers who live south of the Danube in what are now southern Albania, northern Greece, the Republic of Macedonia, and southwestern Bulgaria. Vlach is the English-language term used to describe such an individual. The majority of Vlachs speak Aromanian, but inhabitants of a few villages on both sides of the border between Greece and southeastern Macedonia speak Meglenoromanian and call themselves Vla (plural Vlaš). There is also a Vlach diaspora in other European countries, especially Romania, as well as in North America and Australia; Aromanians themselves use the ethnonym Armãn (plural Armãni) or Rãmãn (plural Rãmãni), etymologically from Romanus, meaning "Roman." Meglenoromanians designate themselves with the Macedonian form Vla (plural Vlaš) in their own language)
    • found: Oxford English dictionaries website, June 20, 2017(Aromanian (also Arumanian, Aroumanian) noun 1. A Balkan Romance language closely related to Romanian and spoken in parts of northern Greece, Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria; = Macedo-Romanian. 2. A member of the scattered Aromanian-speaking communities of the southern Balkans, especially of northern Greece, Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria.)
  • LC Classification

    • DJK28.A76
    • DR27.A8
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2004-04-16: new
    • 2017-09-19: revised
  • Alternate Formats