found: Glossary of meteorology, via American Meteorological Society website, Oct. 15, 2018:aeronomy (A term denoting the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere. It is concerned with upper-atmospheric composition (i.e., nature of constituents, density, temperature, etc.) and chemical reactions.) upper atmosphere (The general term applied to the atmosphere above the troposphere.)
found: Encyclopædia Britannica online, Oct. 15, 2018(Atmospheric science: interdisciplinary field of study that combines the components of physics and chemistry that focus on the structure and dynamics of Earth's atmosphere. The atmospheric sciences are traditionally divided into three topical areas--meteorology (the study and forecasting of weather), climatology (the study of long-term atmospheric patterns and their influences), and aeronomy (the study of the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere).)
found: Merriam-Webster dictionary online, Oct. 15, 2018(aeronomy: a science that deals with the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere of planets)
found: Hook, J.A. Mathematical modeling of upper atmospheric chemistry, 1996.
found: Boudreau, R.F. Seven projects in stellar and upper atmospheric physics, 1968.
found: CHINARE data report. Upper atmospheric physics, no. 1 (1999).