found: MESH(Autistic disorder x Autism, Infantile)
found: WebMD, Dec. 3, 2008(three forms of autism spectrum disorder and two rare severe autistic-like conditions: Asperger's syndrome; pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS); autistic disorder; Rett syndrome; childhood disintegrative disorder; autistic disorder: children who meet more rigid criteria for diagnosis of autism have autistic disorder)
found: National Institutes of Mental Health WWW site, Dec. 5, 2008(the pervasive developmental disorders, or autism spectrum disorders, range from a severe form, called autistic disorder, to a milder form, Asperger syndrome; if a child has systoms of either of these disorders, but does not meet the specific criteria for either, the diagnosis is called pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS))
found: ME SH browser, Dec. 3, 2008(Autistic disorder; UF: Autism: Autism, Early infantile; Autism, Infantile; Kanner's Syndrome)