Biscay, Bay of (France and Spain)
Bay of Biscay (France and Spain)
Cantabrian Sea (France and Spain)
Gascogne, Golfe de (France and Spain)
Gascony, Gulf of (France and Spain)
Golfe de Gascogne (France and Spain)
Golfo de Vizcaya (France and Spain)
Gulf of Gascony (France and Spain)
Mar Cantabrico (France and Spain)
Vizcaya, Golfo de (France and Spain)
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Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Work cat.: Cooper, G.A. Brachiopoda from the Gulf of Gascogne, France, 1981.
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]bay; 44°00ʹ00ʺN 004°00ʹ00ʺW
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Change Notes
1986-02-11: new
2014-10-20: revised
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