The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)

Body marking

  • Here are entered works on marking the body (e.g., by branding, cutting, tattooing, cutting, or piercing) as a cultural practice or expression of creativity or identity.
  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Body modification, Non-therapeutic (Body marking)
    • Marking, Body
    • Non-therapeutic body modification (Body marking)
  • Broader Terms

  • Narrower Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Broader Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Segen's medical dictionary, ©2012, via, Sept. 21, 2012(Body Art: The practice of adorning the body with piercings, tattoos, brandings, or scarifications)
    • found: Wikipedia, Sept. 21, 2012:Body modification (Body modification (or body alteration) is the deliberate altering of the human body for any non-medical reason, such as aesthetics, sexual enhancement, a rite of passage, religious reasons, to display group membership or affiliation, to create body art, shock value, or self-expression. In its most broad definition it includes plastic surgery, socially acceptable decoration (e.g., common ear piercing in many societies), and religious rites of passage (e.g., circumcision in a number of cultures), as well as the modern primitive movement. Types of body modification: Explicit ornaments (body piercing; ear piercing; pearling; neck ring; scrotal implants; tattooing; eyeball tattooing; extraocular implant; surface piercing; microdermal implants; transdermal implants); Surgical augmentation (breast implants; silicone injection; subdermal implant); Removal or split (nullification; hair cutting; hair removal; male genital cutting/circumcision; female genital cutting/labiaplasty/clitoral head reduction; frenectomy; genital bisection; meatotomy; headsplitting; nipple removal; nipple splitting; subincision; suspensory ligament of the penis; lingual frenectomy; tongue splitting; trepanation); Applying long-term force (corsetry or tightlacing; cranial bindings; breast ironing; foot binding; anal stretching; non-surgical elongation of organs); Others (branding; ear shaping; scarification; tooth filing)) Body art (Body art is art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body. The most common forms of body art are tattoos and body piercings, but other types include scarification, branding, subdermal implants, scalpelling, shaping (for example tight-lacing of corsets), full body tattoo and body painting. ... Body art is also a sub-category of performance art, in which artists use or abuse their own body to make their particular statements.)
    • found: Lemma, A. Under the skin : a psychoanalytic study of body modification, 2010.
    • found: 56876792: Rush, J.A. Spiritual tattoo : a cultural history of tattooing, piercing, scarification, branding, and implants, c2005(Summary note: Reviews body modifications from prehistoric times to present)
    • found: MeSH browser, Sept. 21, 2012(Body Modification, Non-Therapeutic; UF Cultural Body Modification; Non-Therapeutic Body Modification; SA Circumcision, Female; Self-Injurious Behavior; in MeSH Tree Structures under Cosmetic Techniques and under Surgical Procedures, Operative; narrower terms: Body Piercing; Circumcision, Female; Circumcision, Male; Tattooing)
  • LC Classification

    • GN419.15
  • General Notes

    • Here are entered works on marking the body (e.g., by branding, cutting, tattooing, cutting, or piercing) as a cultural practice or expression of creativity or identity.
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 1986-02-11: new
    • 2013-01-24: revised
  • Alternate Formats