The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)

Bondage (Sexual behavior)

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • B & D (Sexual behavior)
    • B and D (Sexual behavior)
    • B/D (Sexual behavior)
    • BDSM (Sexual behavior)
    • Bondage and discipline (Sexual behavior)
  • Broader Terms

  • Narrower Terms

  • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Marburger, A. Bondage fantasies in popular entertainment, 1980.
    • found: Sexual nomenclature : a thesaurus, 1976:p. 33.
    • found: Lexikon der erotic, 1979:p. 101.
    • found: The gay almanac, c1996:p. 82 (B & D: Bondage and discipline, a form of sexual play in which one partner is tied up and the other (or others) "discipline" her or him, verbally and/or physically. See S/M)
    • found: Stewart, W. Cassell's queer companion, 1995(bondage and discipline: Used to describe erotic play in which the submissive partner is tied up and disciplined. Related to sadomasochism, though often less intense.)
    • found: Deviants' dictionary, via WWW, Aug. 22, 2000(BD, Sometimes B/D, B&D: Bondage and Discipline. Sometimes used interchangeably with SM but more strictly referring to practises involving bondage and role-playing or humiliation but little or no pain. Sometimes thought to stand for Bondage and Domination, but see also DS. See also BDSM; BDSM, Sometimes BD/SM: Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, Sadism and Masochism. Catch-all term much used in North America to lump together those perves who play with physical pain and those who don't, reflecting a concern that the term SM, with its associations with pain, is not always appropriate. See also BD, SM; bondage: Restriction of a person's bodily movement for erotic reasons using fastenings of various kinds. Also sometimes used loosely as a code for a wider range of SM practises, reflecting the fact that bondage interests are widespread and popular among SMers (though certainly not universal). This slightly confusing usage is found in the name of the newsgroup which covered many more sexual practises besides.)
    • found: Yahoo!, Aug. 22, 2000(category: Society and Culture > Sexuality > Activities and Practices > BDSM)
  • Instance Of

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  • Change Notes

    • 2000-08-21: new
    • 2000-10-04: revised
  • Alternate Formats