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Chagatai language

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Chagatay language
    • Chaghatay language
    • Dschagatai language
    • Jagatai language
    • Jagataic language
    • Krymchakskiĭ language
    • Old Uzbek language
    • Tschagatai language
    • Uzbek language (Old)
  • Broader Terms

  • Narrower Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Earlier Established Forms

    • Jagataic language
  • Sources

    • found: 2002412837: Krymchaki, 2001.
    • found: Encyclopædia Iranica, via WWW, Feb. 14, 2017(Chaghatay Language; Turkic language; belongs to the Altaic group of the Uralo-Altaic language family; Chaghatay is the most advanced, the richest, and the best-documented form of Eastern Middle Turkic. It distinguished itself by substantial structural and lexical departures from Old Turkic (the language of the Orkhon inscriptions), Old Uighur, and Khākāni or Qarakhanid (the language of the eleventh-century mirror-for-princes Qutaḏgū bilig (The knowledge of achieving happiness) by Yusof Ḵāṣṣ-Ḥājeb Balāsaḡuni. The departures were brought about by the influx of Persian and Arabic elements. Direct loans and loan translations played a decisive role in the formation of Middle Turkic dialects, such as Chorasmian Turkic in Chorasmia, Kipchak Turkic among the members of the Golden Horde, Mamluk-Kipchak in Egypt, and Chaghatay in Central Asia; Of the modern Turkic languages Uzbek, the language of the Uzbek Republic (ca. 21 million speakers), is the closest to Chaghatay in lexicon, cultural content, and grammar. In Soviet scholarship, it is often referred to as Old Uzbek projecting its existence deeper into history than the Uzbeks' actual presence in Central Asia)
    • found: Ethnologue, Feb. 14, 2017(Chagatai. A language of Turkmenistan. ISO 639-3: chg. Alternate Names: Chaghatay, Jagatai. Population: No known L1 speakers. Location: Ahal Province, just northwest of Ashgabat. Language Status: Extinct. Classification: Turkic, Eastern)
    • found: OED online, Feb. 14, 2017(Jagatai. The branch of the Turkic group of languages spoken in Turkestan)
    • found: American heritage dictionary of the English language, ©2016, via TheFreeDictionary website, Feb. 14, 2017(Chagatai: A Turkic language of late medieval Central Asia, spoken in the empire of Tamerlane and by the founders of the Mughal Empire and widely used as a literary language in Central Asia until the early 1900s)
    • found: Schluessel, Eric. An introduction to Chaghatay, 2018:p. vi (the premodern literary Turkic language of Central Asia that scholars have come to call Chaghatay; also spelled Chagatay or Chagatai)
  • LC Classification

    • PL53-PL53.95
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2004-04-02: new
    • 2022-08-05: revised
  • Alternate Formats