found: 00351496: Adamski, A. Prawo kame komputerowe, c2000.
found: Excite WWW directory of subjects, July 10, 2001(cybercrimes; subcategory under Criminal, Branches of law, Law, Education)
found: Electronic crime needs assessment for state and local law enforcement, 2001:glossary, p. 41 (electronic crime includes but is not limited to fraud, theft, forgery, child pornography or exploitation, stalking, traditional white-collar crimes, privacy violations, illegal drug transactions, espionage, computer intrusions; no synonyms given)
found: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Connecticut Computer Crimes Task Force press release, June 30, 2004 via WWW, Jan. 16, 2005(the Connecticut Computer Crimes Taskforce was formed to investigate crimes occuring over the internet)