found: McGrath, A. Born in cattle, 1987.
found: OED(Stockman)
found: Web. 3(stockman; buckaroo or buckeroo; by folk etymology from Sp. vaquero; cowboy; broncobuster)
found: Macquarie dict.(Stockmen)
found: Baker, S.J. A dict. of Australian slang, 1982:p. 79 (stockman)
found: Hawkins, J.M. The Ox. paperback dict., 1983:p. 62 (stockman, pl. stockmen: a man in charge of livestock)
found: Black's agr. dict.(stockman: a man in charge of livestock)
found: Dict. agr. term.(stockman: a person who is engaged primarily in the production of livestock in contrast with a farmer)
found: Heide, R. Box-office buckaroos : the cowboy hero from ... 1989.
found: Rojas, A.R. Vaqueros and buckaroos, 1979.
found: Lee, A.S.G. The flying cathedral : the story of ... cowboy, bronco buster ... 1965.