found: Lipowski, Z.J. Delirium : acute confusional states, 1990.
found: DSM III.
found: Kaplan clin. psych.(.. an organic mental syndrome characterized by acute onset and fluctuating course of impaired cognitive funtioning resulting from widespread cerebral nervous tissue dysfunction ... ability to receive, process, store, and recall information is markedly impaired)
found: MESH.
found: Kaplan psych.
found: Campbell psych. dict.(.. most common causes: intoxicants, drugs, infections, avitaminoses, metabolic disturbances and trauma, organic brain disorders)
found: Dorland's med. dict.(synonyms, Acute confusional state, Acute brain syndrome)
found: Gould med. dict.(... associated with febrile states)
found: Stedman's med. dict.
found: Mosby's med. dict.