Everest, Mount (China and Nepal)
Cho-mo-lung-ma (China and Nepal)
Chomolungma (China and Nepal)
Chu-mu-lang-ma Feng (China and Nepal)
Mount Everest (China and Nepal)
Mount Qomolangma (China and Nepal)
Mount Quomolangma (China and Nepal)
Qomolangma Feng (China and Nepal)
Quomolangma Feng (China and Nepal)
Sagarmāthā (China and Nepal)
Sheng-mu-Feng (China and Nepal)
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Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Chang, A. Mount Everest highway plans on hold, via, Yahoo! news website, Oct. 1, 2007(Mount Qomolangma, the Chinese name for Mount Everest)
found: Google search, Nov. 5, 2007(Qomolangma Feng; Quomolangma Feng; Mount Qomolangma; Mount Quomolangma)
found: GeoNamessummit; 27°59ʹ20ʺN 086°55ʹ28ʺE
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Change Notes
1986-02-11: new
2011-06-07: revised
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