The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)

Historic districts

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Historic neighborhoods
    • Historic preservation districts
    • Historical districts
    • Madinahs
    • Madinas
    • Medinas
    • Neighborhoods, Historic
    • Preservation districts
    • Registered historic districts
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Broader Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Oxford English dictionary online, Aug. 8, 2012:(medina: The old walled part of a North African town; forms: madina, madinah, medina)
    • found: Evans, D.L. The complete real estate encyclopedia, ©2007, via, viewed Mar. 28, 2013(historic district: A designation given by local government to particular parts of town deemed historically significant or containing a large concentration of older buildings considered worthy of preservation in an historically accurate condition. Properties located in historic districts are usually the subject of dramatically increased scrutiny by planning and zoning authorities. The approval of an historic board may be required before a building permit for repairs or renovations for these properties is issued. Many are also eligible for federal historic preservation credits.)
    • found: Wikipedia, Mar. 28, 2013:Historic districts in the United States (In the United States, a historic district is a group of buildings, properties, or sites that have been designated by one of several entities on different levels as historically or architecturally significant. Buildings, structures, objects and sites within a historic district are normally divided into two categories, contributing and non-contributing. Districts greatly vary in size: some have hundreds of structures, while others have just a few. The U.S. federal government designates historic districts through the United States Department of Interior under the auspices of the National Park Service. Federally designated historic districts are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, but listing imposes no restrictions on what property owners may do with a designated property. State-level historic districts may follow similar criteria (no restrictions) or may require adherence to certain historic rehabilitation standards. Local historic district designation offers, by far, the most legal protection for historic properties because most land use decisions are made at the local level. Local districts are generally administered by the county or municipal government. ... Local historic districts usually enjoy the greatest level of protection, under law, from any threats that may compromise their historic integrity. This is because many land-use decisions are made at the local level. There are more than 2,300 local historic districts in the United States. Local historic districts can be administered at the county or the municipal level; both entities are involved in land use decisions.) National Register of Historic Places property types (The National Register of Historic Places defines a historic district per U.S. federal law, last revised in 2004. According to the Register definition, a historic district is: "a geographically definable area, urban or rural, possessing a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structures, or objects united by past events or aesthetically by plan or physical development. In addition, historic districts consist of contributing and non-contributing properties. Historic districts possess a concentration, linkage or continuity of the other four types of properties. Objects, structures, buildings and sites within a historic district are usually thematically linked by architectural style or designer, date of development, distinctive urban plan, and/or historic associations.")
    • found: West Central Neighborhood Association [Fort Wayne, Ind.] website, Mar. 28, 2013(A Local Historic District is a structure, site, individual building or group of buildings that has been recognized for its historic importance based on the application of at least one of several criteria as described in Section 151.13 of the Fort Wayne (Indiana) Historic Preservation and Protection Ordinance. These criteria also are stated in Preservation Guidelines for Historic Districts of the City of Fort Wayne)
    • found: What is a historic district and/or historic property?, via Town of Wilton, Connectictut website, Mar. 28, 2013(The Connecticut Historic Preservation Office defines a historic district as "an area, or a cluster of related buildings, or objects and structures, in a compatible setting which, taken as a whole, visually expresses styles and modes of living representative of various periods in American history."; "The purpose of historic districts and historic properties as defined in the enabling statute is "the preservation and protection of the distinctive characteristics of buildings and places associated with the history of or indicative of a period or style of architecture of the municipality, of the state, or of the nation.")
    • found: USLegal website, Mar. 28, 2013(According to 36 CFR 67.2 [Title 36 -- Parks, Forests, and Public Property; Chapter I -- National Park Service, Department of the Interior; Part 67 -- Historic Preservation Certifications Pursuant to Sec. 48(G) And Sec.170(H) Of The Internal Revenue Code Of 1986], Registered Historic District means "any district listed in the National Register or any district which is: (a) Designated under a State or local statute which has been certified by the Secretary as containing criteria which will substantially achieve the purpose of preserving and rehabilitating buildings of significance to the district, and (b) Certified by the Secretary as meeting substantially all of the requirements for the listing of districts in the National Register.")
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 1986-02-11: new
    • 2013-06-12: revised
  • Alternate Formats