The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)

Tofa (Siberian people)

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Karagas (Siberian people)
    • Karagasi (Siberian people)
    • Karagasses
    • Tofalar (Siberian people)
    • Tofy (Siberian people)
    • Tuba (Siberian people)
    • Tubalar (Siberian people)
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

    • WikidataTofalar Offsite linkLabel from public data source Wikidata
  • Earlier Established Forms

    • Karagasses
  • Sources

    • found: Tofy, 1994:p. 3 (a small ethnic group living in Irkutskai︠a︡ oblastʹ called Karagasi, or Tofy)
    • found: Encyc. of the peoples of the world, 1993(Tofa (former Russian designation Karagas, s.d. Tubalar): a group of mixed origins numbering fewer than 1,000, living in the Irkutsk Region, Russian Federation. They speak a Turkic dialect and are closely related to the Tuvinians.)
    • found: Encyc. of the world's minorities, 2005:v. 3, p. 1204 (Tofa (also known as Tofalar, formerly Karagas). Tofa may be the least documented among native Siberian peoples. South central Siberia in the territory of Irkutsk Adm. Reg., Russian Federation)
    • found: Levinson, D. Ethnic groups worldwide, 1998(Indigenous peoples of the North. List of 26 groups of indigenous peoples of northern Russia and Siberia, including Tofalar -- South central Siberia)
    • found: Encyc. of world cultures, 1991(Tofalar. Ethnonyms: Karagas, Tofa, Tuba. Ethnolinguistic group and indigenous people of an area called Tofalaria in Irkutsk oblast. Tofalaria is located on the northeastern slope of the eastern Sayan mountain range. Language is in the Sayan subgroup of the Siberian Turkic languages. Turkicization of the aboriginal population of the Sayan area took place in the Old Turkic period.)
  • LC Classification

    • DK759.T64
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2000-08-18: new
    • 2007-12-12: revised
  • Alternate Formats