found: Mammal species of the world:p. 247 (Loridae; previously known as Lorisidae)
found: Corbet world list of mammalian species:p. 93 (Family Lorisidae: lorises)
found: Walker mammals of the world:p. 402 (Family Lorisidae: Lorises, pottos and galagos)
found: Mammal species of the world, via WWW, Sept. 20, 2000(Loridae. Common name: lorises. Previously known as Lorisidae)
found: Integrated Taxonomic Info. System, via WWW, Sept. 20, 2000(Loridae. Order Primates)
found: Walker's mammals of the world, via WWW, Sept. 20, 2000(Lorisidae: lorises, pottos, and galagos)
found: Zoological record taxonomic hierarchy, via WWW, Sept. 20, 2000(Lorisidae, Primates, Mammalia)