found: Britannica Micro.
found: Beaver, F. Dict. of film terms, 1983.
found: Katz, E. Film encyc., 1979.
found: LC database, Sept. 24, 1987(documentary film(s); nonfiction film; documentary; documentaries)
found: Yee, M.M. Moving image materials, 1988(Documentaries and factual works. Use for films and programs which depict actual persons and/or events. Exclude frank historical re-creations, but do not attempt to judge the "truth" of the depiction in a film purporting to be factual or documentary in character)
found: Lopez, D. Films by genre, c1993:p. 77 (Documentary (Docu, Documentary Film, Factual Film, Non-Fiction Film, Realist Film); the term documentary is applied to and includes a vast array of different types of nonfiction or semifictional films; it stretches from the objective presentation of factual material to the subjective use of film for propaganda purposes)
found: LC database, May 14, 2002(title: motion picture documentaries)