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Multispectral imaging

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Imaging, Multispectral
    • MSI (Multispectral imaging)
    • Multiband photography
    • Multispectral photography
    • Multispectral scanning
    • Scanning, Multispectral
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Broader Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Earlier Established Forms

    • Multispectral photography
  • Sources

    • found: Analytical chemistry, Feb. 15, 2001:p. 732 (Multispectral imaging is a technique that can simultaneously record spectral and spatial information of a sample; i.e., the recorded images contain signals that are generated by a sample, plotted as a function of spectral and spatial distribution. Instruments that can perform these tasks have been developed recently. They are based on the use of either an electronic tunable filter (acousto-optic tunable filters or liquid crystal tunable filters) or an FT-IR6-8 for spectral scanning and an area camera (silicon, InGaAs, InSb, HgCdTe) for image recording)
    • found: Handbook of biomedical nonlinear optical microscopy, 2008:p. 463 (Multispectral imaging is an emerging field where the advantages of optical spectroscopy as an analytical tool are combined with the power of object visualization imparted by imaging. It has proven to be a very useful tool in various areas, including remote sensing and biomedical applications. ... A multispectral image should contain spectral information on each pixel of the image. A third dimension (spectral dimension) is added to the two-dimensional spatial image, generating a three-dimensional data cube)
    • found: Antiquity, June 2003:pp. 359-360 (Intriguing new digital imaging technology is unveiling previously illegible and even unseen text on ancient manuscripts ... . Known as multispectral imaging (MSI), the technology has outperformed conventional photographic techniques in many applications ... . Multispectral imaging was first applied in the LANDSAT series of satellites, whose imaging hardware used four or five spectral bands to capture images in either the visible or near-infrared ranges of the light spectrum. ... By responding to ultraviolet and infrared light, the image detectors in multispectral cameras reveal information that is concealed from the human eye. Multispectral imaging divides that portion of the light spectrum into a number of frequency bands and records each of the images separately, typically as a set of monochrome images. Multiple images of the same scene, each viewed at different wavelengths, form a multispectral image cube. This data cube can then be processed to extract information related to spectral differences of the images within the cube)
    • found: The Focal encyclopedia of photography, 2007:p. 575 (Multispectral imaging involves making images using more than one spectral component of energy from the same region of an object and at the same scale. It is clearly not a new method of imaging; color film is a three-channel multispectral detector and special infrared-sensitive color films have long been available to achieve the above-mentioned condition. A contemporary definition of multispectral imaging implies that the channels or passbands will be separate, and that they may contain image data obtained outside the range of sensitivity of photographic materials. Often there may be more than three sets of data. Multispectral imaging may also be quantitative, in that the separate channels are well-defined spectrally and often calibrated radiometrically. They may also have a temporal element, in that the images may be made at different times. ... [T]he dual nature of multispectral imaging [functions] as a source of spectral data to be analyzed and of images to be visualized)
    • found: The ESRI Press dictionary of GIS terminology, 2001(multispectral photography ... . Also multiband photography, multispectral imaging. Photography that creates imagery from several narrow spectral bands within the visible light region and the near infrared region. A multispectral image contains two or more images, each taken from a different portion of the spectrum (e.g., blue, green, red, infrared)
    • found: The Jefferson Trust WWW home page, Feb. 3, 2014projects/multispectral imaging of Jefferson manuscripts (Funding for this project will allow the University of Virginia Library begin [sic] explorations into multispectral imaging, which will allow them to open up new avenues of research to University scholars with a modest investment of funds. Multispectral scanning is extremely useful in making obscured writings visible on palimpsests, severely damaged manuscripts, and documents that are barely legible, which will allow scholars and students to make many new discoveries that were previously impossible. Multispectral imaging reveals details that are invisible in white light by using multiple single wavelength scans to capture details from documents)
    • found: Google search, Feb. 3, 2013"Multispectral imaging" - 158,000 hits; "Multispectral scanning" - 9,270 hits; "Multispectral photography" - 8,170 hits; "Multiband photography" - 6,240 hits.
  • LC Classification

    • TR267.733.M85
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 1986-02-11: new
    • 2014-03-28: revised
  • Alternate Formats