- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85089396
- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh85089396#concept
- Greek mythology
Narrower Terms
- Aegisthus (Greek mythology)
- Aeolus, father of Sisyphus (Greek mythology)
- Agave (Greek mythology)
- Alcinous (Greek mythology)
- Alcmene (Greek mythology)
- Amalthea (Greek mythology)
- Amphiaraus (Greek mythology)
- Antiope (Greek mythology)
- Argonauts (Greek mythology)
- Athamas (Greek mythology)
- Atreus, House of (Greek mythology)
- Augean stables (Greek mythology)
- Biton (Greek mythology)
- Boutes (Greek mythology)
- Caeneus (Greek mythology)
- Calypso (Greek mythology)
- Cecrops (Greek mythology)
- Cephalus (Greek mythology)
- Cerberus (Greek mythology)
- Cercopes (Greek mythology)
- Cerynean hind (Greek mythology)
- Charon (Greek mythology)
- Chimera (Greek mythology)
- Chiron (Greek mythology)
- Chryseis (Greek mythology)
- Chrysippus (Greek mythology)
- Cleobis (Greek mythology)
- Coronis (Greek mythology)
- Creon, King of Thebes (Greek mythology)
- Cretan bull (Greek mythology)
- Cretheus (Greek mythology)
- Creusa, daughter of Erechtheus (Greek mythology)
- Cyclopes (Greek mythology)
- Damon (Greek mythology)
- Danaë (Greek mythology)
- Danaids (Greek mythology)
- Deidamia (Greek mythology)
- Deucalion (Greek mythology)
- Diomedes (Greek mythology)
- Dioscuri (Greek mythology)
- Dirce (Greek mythology)
- Echo (Greek mythology)
- Elpenor (Greek mythology)
- Empusa (Greek mythology)
- Endymion (Greek mythology)
- Erichthonius (Greek mythology)
- Erinyes (Greek mythology)
- Eriphyle (Greek mythology)
- Erymanthian boar (Greek mythology)
- Erysichthon (Greek mythology)
- Euryale (Greek mythology)
- Eurycleia (Greek mythology)
- Eurylochus (Greek mythology)
- Eurystheus (Greek mythology)
- Eurytus (Greek mythology)
- Galatea, statue brought to life (Greek mythology)
- Galinthias (Greek mythology)
- Ganymede (Greek mythology)
- Garden of the Hesperides (Greek mythology)
- Gigantomachy (Greek mythology)
- Gorgons (Greek mythology)
- Graces, The
- Graiae (Greek mythology)
- Harpies (Greek mythology)
- Helle (Greek mythology)
- Hesione (Greek mythology)
- Hippodamia (Greek mythology)
- Hyacinthus (Greek mythology)
- Hydra (Greek mythology)
- Hyperboreans (Greek mythology)
- Hypsipyle (Greek mythology)
- Icarius (Greek mythology)
- Idomeneus (Greek mythology)
- Ino (Greek mythology)
- Iolaus (Greek mythology)
- Iole (Greek mythology)
- Iphitus (Greek mythology)
- Ismene (Greek mythology)
- Ixion (Greek mythology)
- Jocasta (Greek mythology)
- Ladon (Greek mythology)
- Laertes (Greek mythology)
- Laestrygonians (Greek mythology)
- Laius (Greek mythology)
- Lamia (Greek mythology)
- Laodamia (Greek mythology)
- Laomedon (Greek mythology)
- Lycaon (Greek mythology)
- Lynceus (Greek mythology)
- Maia (Greek mythology)
- Mares of Diomedes (Greek mythology)
- Megara (Greek mythology)
- Melampus (Greek mythology)
- Meleager (Greek mythology)
- Menelaus (Greek mythology)
- Merope, wife of Cresphontes
- Miracles (Greek mythology)
- Myrrha (Greek mythology)
- Nausithous (Greek mythology)
- Nemean lion (Greek mythology)
- Neoptolemus (Greek mythology)
- Nereus (Greek mythology)
- Nessus (Greek mythology)
- Nestor (Greek mythology)
- Oenomaus (Greek mythology)
- Omphale (Greek mythology)
- Omphalos (Greek mythology)
- Orion (Greek mythology)
- Parthenope (Greek mythology)
- Pasiphae (Greek mythology)
- Patroclus (Greek mythology)
- Pegasus (Greek mythology)
- Pelias (Greek mythology)
- Pelops (Greek mythology)
- Philomela (Greek mythology)
- Phintias (Greek mythology)
- Pholus (Greek mythology)
- Phrixus (Greek mythology)
- Pirithous (Greek mythology)
- Pittheus (Greek mythology)
- Polydamas (Greek mythology)
- Polyxena (Greek mythology)
- Procne (Greek mythology)
- Procris (Greek mythology)
- Procrustes (Greek mythology)
- Satyrs (Greek mythology)
- Scylla and Charybdis (Greek mythology)
- Seven against Thebes (Greek mythology)
- Sthenno (Greek mythology)
- Stymphalian birds (Greek mythology)
- Symplegades (Greek mythology)
- Tantalus (Greek mythology)
- Telchines (Greek mythology)
- Telegonus (Greek mythology)
- Telephus (Greek mythology)
- Thersites (Greek mythology)
- Tiresias (Greek mythology)
- Tithonus (Greek mythology)
- Tityus (Greek mythology)
- Triptolemus (Greek mythology)
- Trojan horse (Greek mythology)
- Trojan War
- Trophonius (Greek mythology)
- Typhon (Greek mythology)
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Broader Concepts from Other Schemes
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1986-02-11: new
- 1996-07-18: revised
Alternate Formats