found: Web. 3(oligochaete, also oligochaet or oligochete: an annelid worm of the class Oligochaeta)
found: Alltheweb search, Nov. 4, 2003(oligochaete worms)
found: ITIS, Aug. 12, 2005(Subclass Oligochaeta -- angleworms, earthworms, night crawlers, oligochaetes. Class Clitellata, Phylum Annelida)
found: NCBI taxonomy browser, Aug. 12, 2005(Subclass Oligochaeta, Clitellata, Annelida)
found: Annelid resources, via WWW, Aug. 12, 2005:Phylogeny of the Annelida and allies (In recent times the general view is that Annelida contains polychaetes and the clitellate oligochaetes and leeches, usually as three classes, or latterly with the clitellates as one class or sub-phylum)
found: Tree of life web project, Aug. 12, 2005:Annelida (Through most of the 20th century Annelida was split into three major groups: Polychaeta, Oligochaeta (earthworms etc.) and Hirudinea (leeches). It is now recognized that Oligochaeta and Hirudinea form a clade and should be referred to either as Oligochaeta or Clitellata)