The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)


  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Puffball mushrooms
  • Broader Terms

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  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Academic Press dict. of sci. and tech., via WWW, July 30, 2001(puffball. Botany. the fruiting body of some fungi, especially Lycoperdon and allied genera, which retains spores until they are fully mature, then releases them as puffs of fine dust)
    • found: The American Heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., via WWW, July 30, 2001(puffball: any of various fungi of the genus Lycoperdon and related genera, having a ball-shaped fruiting body that when pressed or struck releases the enclosed spores in puffs of dust)
    • found: Lawrence, E. Henderson's dict. of biol. terms, 2000(puffball: common name for fungi of the order Lycoperdales in the Gasteromycetes)
    • found: OED online, July 30, 2001(puffball: a fungus of the genus Lycoperdon or of some allied genus; so called from the ball-like shape of the ripe spore-case, and its emission of the spores in a cloud of fine powder when broken. (Some of the species are edible in an unripe state.))
    • found: Freedman, L. Wild about mushrooms, via WWW, July 30, 2001:table of contents/puffballs (The name "puffball" is used here to refer to three genera of fungi, Calvatia, Calbovista, and Lycoperdon)
    • found: Fungi of Canada - East, via WWW, July 30, 2001:fungi/Gastero appendix (Puffballs, earthstars, bird's nest fungi, stinkhorns, and related fungi produce their spores inside the fruitbodies. For this reason they are placed in the class Gasteromycetes (stomach fungi). Gasteromycetes range from the giant puffball (Calvatia gigantea) weighing many kilograms to the tiny Sphaerobolus stellatus which is only 2 mm across.)
    • found: Zen's WNC nature notebook, via WWW, July 30, 2001:fungi/puffballs (puffball mushrooms)
    • found: Spring fungi of the Sierra Nevada, via WWW, July 30, 2001:comprehensive list of fungi/puffballs (Astraeus hygrometricus, Bovista pila, Bovista plumbea, Calbovista subsculpta, Calvatia booniana, Calvatia fumosa, Calvatia lycoperdoides, Calvatia sculpta, Calvatia subcretacea, Crucibulum laeve, Cyathus olla, Geastrum quadrifidum, Lycoperdon perlatum, Mycenastrum corium, Nidula candida, Nidula niveo-tomentosa, Pisolithus tinctorius, Radiigera (Pyrenogaster) atrogleba, Sphaerobolus stellatus, Tulostoma sp.)
  • LC Classification

    • QK629.L92
  • Instance Of

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  • Change Notes

    • 2001-07-30: new
    • 2001-10-04: revised
  • Alternate Formats