found: Lambert, P. Sea stars of British Columbia, southeast Alaska, and Puget Sound, c2000:p. 3 ("What we commonly call sea stars or star fish, scientists place in the Class Asteroidea, part of ... the phylum Echinodermata.")
found: Web. 3(starfish; sea star 1: starfish 2: marsh pink; asteroidea: the class of echinoderms comprising the starfishes; asteroidean)
found: Amer. Herit. dict. of the Eng. lang., c2000(starfish, pl. starfish or -fishes. Any of various marine echinoderms of the Class Asteroidea. Also called asteroid, sea star)
found: LC database, Nov. 30, 2001(seastars; sea stars; asteroids; Asteroidea; starfish; star-fish; star fishes; star-fishes; starfishes)