found: Work cat.: 86161046: Chavane, B. Villages de l'ancien Tekrour, 1986.
found: Ethnologue:p. 300 (Toucouleur (Tukolor, Pulaar, Haalpulaar, Tukulor, Tokolor) Mali, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Burkina Faso)
found: African ethonyms:p. 182 (Tukuler (Tokolor, Toucouler, Toucouleur, Hal-Pularen) Senegal, Mali, Guinea)
found: Murdock world cult.:p. 101 (Tukulor (Tekarir, Torado, Toucouleur))
found: Biebuyck, D. African ethnonyms, 1996:p. 262 (Tukulor; variants: Toucouleur, Tuculeur, Tukuleur; sedentary Fulani groups in Mauritania and Senegal)
found: Almanac of African peoples and nations:p. 673 (Toucouleur, also Tukulor, Tukolor, and Turkylor; speak a Fulani language called Fulfulde)
found: Hist. dict. of Senegal, 1994(Tukolor (Toucouleur, Tokolor); Pulaar-speakers or Fulbe who live in Futa Toro region; also known as Futanke; also called Haalpulaar'en)
found: Joshua project website, Apr. 30, 2007(Tukulor, Pulaar of Senegal; people cluster: Fulani/Fulbe; country: Senegal; region: West and Central Africa; religion: Islam; language: Pulaar; alternate names: Futankoobe, Pulaar, Tooroobe, Haal Pulaaren, Takarir, Toucouleur; profile text: There are approximately 1.1 million Tukulor living in the West African nations of Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, Guinea, and Mali. Most of them are located in Senegal, where they comprise 9% of the population; the Tukulor are thought to have descended from the Fulani and the Wolof or Sereres tribes)
found: Britannica Micro.(Tukulor, also spelled Tukolor, or Toucouleur: a Muslim people who mainly inhabit Senegal, with smaller numbers in western Mali; their origins are complex; they seem basically akin to the Serer and Wolof peoples, and contacts with the Fulani have greatly influenced their development; they speak the Fulani language called Fulfide)