found: Dorland's ill. medical dict., c1981(vagina: the canal in the female, extending from the vulva to the cervix uteri, which receives the penis in copulation)
found: Random House Web. unabr. dict., c1997(vagina 1. Anat., Zool. a. the passage leading from the uterus to the vulva in certain female mammals)
found: The on-line medical dict., via WWW, May 16, 2000(vagina - the female organ of sexual intercourse, the birth canal)
found: Medical glossary, via Amer. Med. Assoc. Web site, May 16, 2000(Vagina - the muscular passage connecting the uterus with the outside genitals; a component of the female reproductive system)
found: Dict. of on-line medical resources, via WWW, May 16, 2000(vagina - is part of the internal female genitalia. Anterior to the vagina is the urinary bladder and posterior to the vagina is the rectum. The vaginal mucosa is lined with stratified epithelium.)
found: medical dict., via WWW, May 16, 2000(Vagina: The muscular canal extending from the cervix to the outside of the body. It is usually six to seven inches in length, and its walls are lined with mucus membrane. It includes two vaultlike structures, the anterior (front) vaginal fornix and the posterior (rear) vaginal fornix. The cervix protrudes slightly into the vagina, and it is through a tiny hole in the cervix (the os) that sperm make their way toward the internal reproductive organs. The vagina also includes numerous tiny glands that make vaginal secretions.)