- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh86002737
- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh86002737#concept
- Ager Veientanus (Extinct city)
- Veii (Ancient city)
- Veio (Extinct city)
- Vejo (Extinct city)
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
- Veii (Ancient city)
- found: Work cat.: Delpino, F. Cronache veientane, c1985(Veio)
- found: Lippincott(Veii, ancient city of Etruria)
- found: Web. geog.(Veii)
- found: Britannica Micro.(Veii, modern Veio, ancient Etruscan town)
- found: The Times, London. The Times atlas of the world, 1955-59(Vejo, ruins)
- found: Grande enciclopedia Vallardi(Veio, site of modern Isola Farnese)
- found: LC database, 4/2/86(Veii, Italy; Veio; Ager Veientanus)
- notfound: U.S. Off. of Geog. Italy and associated areas, 1956
LC Classification
- DG70.V3
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1986-05-02: new
- 2003-01-07: revised
Alternate Formats