Consultation-liaison psychiatry
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found: Work cat: Consultation-liaison psychiatry and behavioral medicine, 1986.
found: LC data base, 5/15/86.
found: APA Psychiatr. glossary 5th ed.
found: Kaplan psych., 1985: Sub-chapter title and definition: pp. 1219-1223(..."evolved in the 1950s and 1960s as the branch of psychiatry committed to the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric and psychosocial problems of patients in the medical care system." ..."Primarily based in general hospitals that are associated w/academic med. centers, w/ 3 major functions: 1- Psychiatric consultation ... and follow up psychiatric treatment as needed; 2- Teaching of nonpsychiatrist physicians and other health professionals in the recognition and treatment of psycholog. and social problems in their patients, usually carried out by psychiatrists or internists working in a close relationship (Liaison) w/ their non psychiatrist colleagues; 3- Research in the field of psychosomatic medicine and in the process of both the consultation/liaison function.
found: Lipowski, Z.J. Consultation/liaison psychiatry : An overview Am J Psychiatry 131:623, 1974.
found: McKegney, F.P. Evaluative research in consultation-liaison psychiatry: Review of the literature 1970-1981. Gen. Hosp. Psychiatry 4:197, 1982.
notfound: MESH;NIH;Dorland's med. dict.;Gould's med. dict.;Stedman's med. dict.
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Change Notes
1986-06-23: new
1988-10-28: revised
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