found: Work cat.: Reynolds, D.K. Even in summer the ice doesn't melt, 1986(Introduction mentions Ishin Yoshimoto as the "father" of Naikan therapy)
found: PREMARC, 4/30/86(Naikan ...)
found: Baker ency. psych.(".. meditative therapy based on Buddhist enlightenment practices")
found: Kodansha encyc. Jap.: v. 5, pp. 310-311; v. 6, p. 261(A Buddhist based therapy, like Morita therapy. In Naikan therapy, "feelings of guilt are supplanted by gratitude and the desire to serve others." It is used to treat both "mentally disturbed and physically ill patients and to promote moral discipline and revitalization in healthy adults and schoolchildren")
notfound: MESH;NIH;Kaplan psych, 2nd. ed.;Campbell psych. dict.;Harre & Lamb encyc. dict. psych., 1983;Dict. psych. terms;Psych. abst., 1976;Eysenck encyc. psych., 1982;Thesaurus psych. index, 1982