Vijosë River (Greece and Albania)
Aóös River (Greece and Albania)
Vijosa River (Greece and Albania)
Viosa River (Greece and Albania)
Vjosa River (Greece and Albania)
Voiussa River (Greece and Albania)
Voyutsa River (Greece and Albania)
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Work cat.: Berxholi, A. Ndryshimet në gjeografinë e popullsisë në zonën Vjosë-deti Jon, 1987.
found: Web. geog.
found: Lippincott(Aoos River)
found: Collier's.
found: Medallion atlas.
found: Pergamon atlas.
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1988-07-27: new
2003-01-07: revised
Alternate Formats