Human reproductive technology
Assisted conception
Assisted human reproduction
Assisted human reproductive technology
Conception--Technological innovations
Human assisted reproduction
Human assisted reproductive technology
Human reproduction--Technological innovations
Broader Terms
Narrower Terms
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Broader Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Work cat.: Reproductive technologies, marriage and the church, c1988.
found: MeSH(Reproduction technics)
found: Hennepin(Reproductive technology)
found: Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics, 1992.
found: Edwards, R.G. Principles of assisted human reproduction, 1994(assisted conception)
found: Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics website, Jan. 8, 2020:home page (assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs); human ARTs)
found: Assisted reproductive technology (ART) website, via Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, Jan. 8, 2020:What is assisted reproductive technology? (the definition used by CDC is based on the 1992 Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act; ART includes all fertility treatments in which both eggs and embryos are handled. In general, ART procedures involve surgically removing eggs from a woman's ovaries, combining them with sperm in the laboratory, and returning them to the woman's body or donating them to another woman. They do NOT include treatments in which only sperm are handled (i.e., intrauterine--or artificial--insemination) or procedures in which a woman takes medicine only to stimulate egg production without the intention of having eggs retrieved)
notfound: IAC;NIH
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Change Notes
1988-09-08: new
2020-04-16: revised
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