found: Work cat.: The Prymnesiophyte algae, 1994:CIP, p. v (Pyrmnesiophyceae (=Haptophyceae))
found: Lee, R.E. Phycology, 1989:p. 446 (the name Haptophyceae was a descriptive name and not based on a genus in the class; the name was later changed to the Prymnesiophyceae)
found: The Haptophyte algae:CIP (Haptophyte algae, sometimes referred to as the prymnesiophyte algae)
found: Phone call to J. Markham, 4/22/94(usage is split between Haptophyceae and Prymnesiophceae; however because Haptophyceae is not based on a genus, currently Prymnesiophyceae is the name used more frequently)
found: Phone call to J. Norris, Smithsonian, 4/18/94(Haptophyceae is validly published)
found: Silva, P.C. Names and classes and families of living algae, 1980:p. 67 (Class: Haptophyceae)