found: Work cat.: Jackson, F.H. Carolinian-English dict. ... 1991:introd. p. xv (The Carolinians share Saipan ... people from elsewhere in Micronesia ... and from countries as Philippines, Korea and Japan ... Carolinian belong to the Austronesian family of languages ... but Carolinian is a member of the Trukic sub-group of Micronesian group of the Oceanic branch of Austronesian)
found: Ethnologue:p. 624 (Carolinian (Saipan Carolinian) Saipan, Carolines. Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian)
found: Ruhlen world lang.:p. 351 (Carolinian ... Trukic family)
found: Voegelin lang.:p. 228 (... into three languages: Carolinian, Trukese and Ulithian) p. 429, under Micronesian (Carolinian)