found: Work cat.: 92016450: Malamud, C. Exploring the Internet : a technical travelogue, c1993.
found: Quarterman, J.S. The Matrix, c1990:p. 278-345 (Internet is an internetwork of many networks all running the TCP/IP protocol suite, connected through gateways, and sharing common name and address spaces. It is large not only covering the United States, but also extending to Canada, Europe, and Asia)
found: Engr. index:v. 89, pt. VII, p. 5071.
found: Byte. Feb. 1992, "Applying the Internet":p. 111-118.
found: OCLC Micro:v. 6, No. 4, Aug. 1990, p. 36-37 (Internet is an interconnected set of networks that is primarily North American in origin and use, but is increasingly developing connections to worldwide information resources. It started with ARPAnet, a wide-area experimental network connecting host and terminal servers)
found: 94234135: Brown, S. The Internet via Mosaic and World Wide Web, c1994(Although the World Wide Web is primarily used on a global scale as a part of the Internet, it is feasible for a two-machine network to run the WWW client/server software. Many corporations are looking into WWW as an inexpensive yet up-to-date method of handling hypermedia applications on a local area network.)
notfound: ASTI;Hennepin;IAC;McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.;Random House;Web. 3