found: Work cat.: 2016514352: Prudencio González, C.J. Seguridad ciudadana y el modelo policial en Guadalajara, 2016:p. 87-88 ([cataloger's translation] according to Tudela, "promotion of police forces with community orientation and of proximity policing (the latter is the European model of the former) represents one the currents that has most greatly influenced the police forces of the [Latin American] region"; in the model of Federal Police presented by the [Mexican] federal government in Oct. 2007, proximity policing is defined as "the specialization of police with the aim of maintaining contact with the citizenry, through strategies of social penetration and gathering of specific information through permanent outreach patrols and programs")
found: 92020809: Friedman, R. Community policing, 1992.
found: Community policing : issues and practices around the world, 1988.
found: Walsh & Poole. Dict. of criminology, 1983.
found: Nat. crim. just. thes.
found: SCORPIO BIBL file, June 4, 1992("Community policing")
found: LC database, June 4, 1992("Community policing")
found: Preventing civil disturbance : a community policing approach, 1989(published by the "National Center for Community Policing")
found: Gutierrez, R.S. Social equity and the funding of community policing, 2003:ecip galley (community oriented policing)
found: LC database, Aug. 23, 2003(community oriented policing)
found: DiIulio, J.J. Community-based policing in Wisconsin, 1993.
found: Whitelaw, B. Community-based strategic policing in Canada, c2006.
found: DeParis, R.J. Neighborhood team policing, 1997.
found: Encyclopedia of law enforcement, 2007, via WWW, viewed Mar. 6, 2017:under Community policing (at root, community policing is not defined by a list of particular tactics; in its fullest expression, community policing affects the structure and culture of police departments, not just their activities; police departments embracing community policing tend to adopt at least three new, interrelated organizational stances: they involve the community, they decentralize, and they adopt a problem-solving orientation) under Community policing, International (community policing is essentially a conceptual frame for a new paradigm of policing that was developed in academic circles in the United States; the term itself is somewhat of a catchall phrase for the innovative strategies that were developed in response to rising crime rates in the United States from the 1960s on into the 1970s and 1980s; this new perspective on the status and function of police within society was intended to break down the barriers between the police and the communities they served; community policing strategies sought to incorporate a more proactive outlook to policing, allow street officers to break free of what was termed the "911 mentality," and develop more effective crime reduction strategies; under this model the police were also encouraged to become "stakeholders" in the communities they served; [in Denmark] experiments are being conducted in implementing the Danish version of community policing--proximity policing; proximity police officers are a distinct, smaller component of the general patrol force, which handles motorized patrol and general police functions; proximity police officers are able to develop their own work schedules as defined by the needs of their respective communities; officers are encouraged to patrol their assigned areas on foot or by bicycle; officers are responsible for nontraditional aspects of policing within their respective areas and coordinating local authorities, schools, and the police in a general problem-oriented strategy) under Denmark (from around 1985, local policing was gradually replaced by the new concept of proximity policing--small police units often stationed in local stations and given new responsibilities; the most important of these was participation in the SSP-network (a local cooperation between Schools, Social authorities, and the Police, focused on crime prevention among children and juveniles under the age of 18))
found: Jamaica observer WWW site, viewed Mar. 6, 2017(in article dated Jan. 7, 2015: [Jamaican] Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams said in a press conference today, "Proximity policing, our new brand of community policing, is designed to build partnerships, which will work as an effective counterbalance to gangs and to deal with other community issues such as domestic violence, mob killings, and praedial larceny")
found: Policing : an international journal of police strategies & management, 2002, via WWW, viewed Mar. 6, 2017:p. 32 (what is community policing? apparently, nobody knows for sure; one reason for the lack of a precise definition, however, might be that one of the central features of community policing is exactly the adaptation of policing to local communities--a feature that must generate heterogeneity and thus some difficulties in definition; given this international confusion and debate, it is perhaps not surprising that the National Danish Police did not define the concept of proximity policing--a literal translation of the Danish equivalent of COP, also used in The Netherlands--before engaging in a series of experiments on the subject) p. 44 (the Danish version of community oriented policing, called proximity policing, differs from the general trend in COP initiatives in several ways; first and foremost, a division is maintained between proximity policing officers and other police departments; second, officers in general maintain an affiliation to a limited geographical area for several years, a factor that seems important for their success in establishing closer and more personal ties to local liaisons and--albeit to a lesser degree--to local citizens)
notfound: Hennepin;Web./9000 words;Random House;BDNE3