found: Work cat.: Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, c1986:v. 2, pp. 740-741 (Beryx decadactylus; Beryx splendens; common names: Alfonsino; Beryx commun; Palometa roja; Beryx long)
found: Lindberg, G.U. Fishes of the world, 1974:p. 137 (Beryx splendens)
found: Syn. liv. org.:v. 2, p. 902 (Alfonsinos)
found: Wheeler, A.C. The world encyc. of fishes, 1985:p. 134 (Alfoncino; Beryx splendens)
found: Foord, M. New Zealand descriptive animal dict., 1990:p. 12 (Alfonsino, Beryx splendens. Also Alfonsinos, the fish family Berycidae)
found: New Zealand fish, 1989:pp. 257-258 (Beryciformes includes Berycidae: alfonsinos; Beryx splendens, alfonsino is one of the 3 species listed)
notfound: Web. 3