found: Work cat.: 93000869: Queen number and sociality in insects, 1993.
found: Web. 3:def. 6 (queen)
found: Foote, R.H. Thes. of entomology, 1977:p. 33 (Queens)
found: Wikipedia, Apr. 30, 2012(Queen may refer to: In zoology, Queen insects, an aspect of eusociality; under Eusociality: In analogy with some human societies, groups of specialized individuals are sometimes called castes. The most familiar examples of eusocial insects are ants, bees, and wasps (order Hymenoptera), as well as termites (order Isoptera) - all with reproductive queens and more or less sterile workers and/or soldiers; irreversibly distinct behavioral groups or castes (with respect to sterility and/or other features))
found: Encyc. Britannica online, Apr. 30, 2012(queen (insect caste))
found: Differential gene expression in queen-worker caste determination in bumble-bees, 2005.
found: Morphological differences among three female castes : worker, queen, and intermorphic queen in the ant Myrmecina nipponica (Formicidae:Myrmicinae), 2005.
found: Genetic determination of the queen caste in an ant hybrid zone, 2002.
found: Gómez, K. Description of the queen caste in Messor marocanus Santschi, 1927 (Hymenoptera:Formicidae), in Myrmecologische Nachrichten, Sept. 2005, viewed online Apr. 30, 2012:t.p. (queen caste of Messor marocanus; queens of Iberian species of Messor; queen of Messor marocanus)