found: Work cat.: 93-120964: Macazaga Ordono, C. El juego de Pelota, 1982.
found: LC data base, 4/15/93(Juego de Pelota)
found: Coe, M. Atlas ancient America:pp. 85, 108-9 (Mesoamerican Ballgame, a ritual game played with a rubber ball in a specially made court.)
found: Steward handbk. So. Am. Ind.:v. 1, p. 393 (The Apinaye and Sherente play ceremonial games with rubber balls)
found: Ulama: perpetuacion en Mexico del juego de pelota prehispanico: Ullamalistli, 1985.
found: WorldCat database, 4/26/95.
notfound: Web. 3;Random House