found: Work cat.: 93-233166: Donovan, J.S. Building a better mouse trap : a programmer's guide to the mouse, c1992(Mice)
found: Random House(Computers, a palm-sized button-operated device that can be slid on wheels or ball bearings over a desktop to move the cursor on a CRT to any position or slid over a drawing to recreate a drawing on a CRT)
found: LC database, 12/21/93(Mouse)
found: ASTI:heading Mouse (Computer equip.)
found: Encyc. electronics(Mouse)
found: New IEEE std. dict. electrical & electronic terms(Mouse)
found: Ox. dict. of new words("The usage debate has centered on the correct plural form...with some computer scientists using the regular plural mice, others mouses; mice certainly has the majority)
found: Am. heritage dict.(mouses; mice)
notfound: Web. 3