Factoring services industry
Factoring companies
Factoring firms
Factors (Finance)
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Work cat.: 94-648662: The Edwards directory of American factors. A guide to commercial accounts receivable factoring in the United States, 1994(factors, factoring companies, factoring business, factoring industry)
found: SCORPIO file Bus2(Factoring (Finance)--Services)
found: OCLC FirstSearch Business Orgs file(Association of British Factors, Association of Invoice Factors)
found: OCLC FirstSearch Business Dateline file(Factoring firms)
found: SCORPIO Magazine file:Wall Street Journal: April 18 1994, p. B2w (Factoring firms gain as an important source of small business capital)
LC Classification
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1994-12-01: new
1995-01-11: revised
Alternate Formats