found: Work cat.: 97-8730: Athan, M.S. Complete guide to the companion Quaker parrot, 1997:CIP p. 9 (Myiopsitta monachus, the common monk parrot or Quaker parrot)
found: Web. 3(monk parrot or monk parakeet ... Myiopsitta monachus)
found: Sibley, C.G. Distrib. and tax. of birds of the world, 1990:p. 127 (Myiopsitta monachus: monk parakeet)
found: Kolar, L. Encyc. parakeets, 1990:p. 181 (monk parakeet (Myiopsitta))
found: Howard birds world:p. 167 (Myiopsitta monachus (monk parakeet))
found: Low, R. Complete book of parrots, 1989:p. 120 (Quaker parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus))
found: Lodge, W. Birds, alternative names, 1991:p. 74 (Myiopsitta monachus: monk parakeet, Quaker parakeet, grey-breasted parakeet)
found: Martin, R.M. Cage & aviary birds, 1980:p. 190 (Quaker parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) monk or grey-breasted parakeet)
found: Biol. & agric. index, via 1stsearch, Apr. 9, 1997:(title: Quaker parakeets)
found: BasicBIOSIS, via 1stsearch, Apr. 9, 1997(titles: monk parakeets; descriptors: Myiopsitta monachus; monk parakeet)