found: Seasonal movements and pelagic habitat use of murres and puffins ... 1996:p. ii (tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata))
found: Howard birds world:p. 80 (Lunda cirrhata, Tufted puffin)
found: Cklist. No. Am. birds:p. 248 (Fratercula cirrhata, Tufted puffin. Orig. desc. as Alca cirrhata. Often placed in the monotypic genus Lunda)
found: Sibley, C.G. Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the world, c1990:p. 266 (Fratercula cirrhata, Tufted puffin. Alternate genus Lunda merged into Fratercula)
found: Gruson cklist. world's birds:p. 37 (Lunda cirrhata, Tufted puffin)
found: Peterson, R.T. A field guide to western birds, 1990:p. 32 (Tufted puffin, Fratercula cirrhata)
found: Web. 3(Tufted puffin, Lunda cirrhata)