Transportation problems (Programming)
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found: Work cat.: 97-34593: Rachev, S.T. Mass transportation problems, c1997.
found: Math. subj. classif.(90-XX, Economics, Operations research, Programming, Games; 90Cxx, Mathematical programming; 90C08, Special problems of linear programming (transportation and multi-index problems, etc.))
found: McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.(transportation problem: a programming problem that is concerned with the optimal pattern of the distribution of goods from several points of origin to several different destinations, with the specific requirements at each destination)
found: Eisenreich. Mathematik(transportation problem, transport problem, GP [graph theory], PG [mathematical optimization (programming)])
found: Encyc. dict. math.:p. 943, under Linear programming (transportation problem)
found: Encyc. math.(transport problem, transportation problem)
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Change Notes
1997-08-19: new
1997-10-03: revised
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