found: Sage grouse in High Desert of central Oregon, 1994:t.p. (High Desert)
found: GNIS, OR., Dec. 18, 1997(High Desert; plain; variant names, Great Sandy Desert, Rolling Sage Plains)
found: Encyc. Brit.(High Lava Plains, or High Desert)
found: Lippincott(Great Sandy Desert, arid region (150 mi. long, 30-50 mi. wide) in S. Oregon, extending roughly NW-SE and occupying parts of Lake and Harney counties; area largely volcanic, on foundation of porous mantle rock into which surface waters desappear)
found: Rand McNally:Or. map (High Desert)
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]plain; 43°39ʹ59ʺN 120°20ʹ04ʺW
notfound: Web. geog.