Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site (Va.)
Broader Terms
found: Maggie L. Walker, official map and guide, 1998:p. 1 (Maggie Lena Walker; b. July 15, 1867; d. Dec. 15, 1934; Richmond, Va.; chartered bank, first bank in U.S. est'd. by a black woman) p. 2 (Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, Virginia)
found: GNIS, VA, Aug. 26, 1998(Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, park, Richmond)
found: Lippincott(Maggie L. Walker, natl. historic site; authorized 1978)
found: Nat. parks index.
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]park; 37°32ʹ53ʺN 077°26ʹ15ʺW
notfound: Rand McNally;Web. geog.
Instance Of
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Change Notes
1998-09-02: new
2011-06-04: revised
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