found: Work cat.: 96-215004: Bergquist, M. En utopi i verkligheten, c1996:p. 313 (allotment gardens)
found: AltaVista, Apr. 26, 1999:Vancouver Community Gardens Statistics (community and allotment gardens in the Greater Vancouver region; definition given by the Vancouver Parks & Recreation Board: "there is a difference between an 'allotment garden' and a 'community garden'. While an allotment garden may in fact be defined as only a piece of land used by individuals to produce food and flowers for personal use of society members, a community garden goes beyond that to include common areas that are not allotted to individuals, and education programs that involve schools and youth groups in gardening activities."); Magnus Bergquist (Key words:... allotment gardens); allotment gardens)
found: AGRICOLA, Apr. 26, 1999(t: allotment gardens)
found: Web. 3(allotment 2b: something set apart by distribution or assignment of special use or for a distinct party: as (1) chiefly Brit: a small piece of land let or assigned to an individual (as by the town council) for cultivation as a family garden <a disused railway siding that was turned into allotments--Anthony Powell> <an allotment garden>)
found: LC database, Apr. 26, 1999(allotment garden; allotment gardens; Allotment Garden Federation of Denmark)