PREMIS 3 Ontology
- Ontology for PREMIS 3, the international standard for metadata to support the preservation of digital objects and ensure their long-term usability.
Instance Of
- OWL Ontology
- 3.0.0
Version IRI
Prior Version IRI
Alternate Formats
Class: | premis:Action |
URI: | |
Label: | Action |
Comment: | Operation type to perform on an Object. Effectively performing this action may produce an Event. |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Agent |
URI: | |
Label: | Agent |
Comment: | Actor (human, machine, or software) associated with one or more Event and/or Rights
statement associated with a digital object. |
SubClass Of: | Agent ![]() Agent ![]() |
SubClassed As: | HardwareAgent Organization Person SoftwareAgent |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Bitstream |
URI: | |
Label: | Bitstream |
Comment: | Contiguous or non-contiguous data within a file that has meaningful properties for
preservation purposes. |
SubClass Of: | Object |
Disjoint with: | File IntellectualEntity Representation |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Copyright |
URI: | |
Label: | Copyright |
Comment: | Copyright law. |
SubClass Of: | RightsBasis |
Disjoint with: | InstitutionalPolicy License Statute |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Dependency |
URI: | |
Label: | Dependency |
Comment: | Relationship where one Object requires another Object to support its function, delivery, or
the coherence of its content. |
Properties include: | characteristic purpose |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:EnvironmentCharacteristic |
URI: | |
Label: | Environment characteristic |
Comment: | An assessment of the extent to which the described environment supports its
purpose. |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Event |
URI: | |
Label: | Event |
Comment: | Action performed within or outside the repository that affects its capability to preserve Objects over the long term. |
SubClass Of: | Activity ![]() |
Properties include: | outcomeNote outcome |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:File |
URI: | |
Label: | File |
Comment: | Named and ordered sequence of bytes that is known to an operating system. |
SubClass Of: | Object |
Disjoint with: | Bitstream IntellectualEntity Representation |
Properties include: | compositionLevel |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Fixity |
URI: | |
Label: | Fixity |
Comment: | Information used to verify whether an object has been altered in an undocumented or
unauthorized way. |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:HardwareAgent |
URI: | |
Label: | Hardware agent |
SubClass Of: | Agent |
Disjoint with: | Organization Person SoftwareAgent |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Identifier |
URI: | |
Label: | Identifier |
Comment: | An unambiguous reference to the PREMIS entity within the preservation
repository. |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Inhibitor |
URI: | |
Label: | Inhibitor |
Comment: | Feature of a Digital Object intended to inhibit access, copying, dissemination, or
migration. Common Inhibitors are encryption and password protection. |
Properties include: | inhibits |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:InstitutionalPolicy |
URI: | |
Label: | Institutional policy |
Comment: | A policy decision made by an organization. |
SubClass Of: | RightsBasis |
Disjoint with: | Copyright License Statute |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:IntellectualEntity |
URI: | |
Label: | Intellectual entity |
Comment: | A set of content that is considered a single intellectual unit for purposes of management and
description: for example, a particular book, map, photograph, database, or piece of hardware or
software. An Intellectual Entity can include other Intellectual Entities; for example, a web site can
include a web page; a web page can include an image. An Intellectual Entity may have one or more digital
representations. An Intellectual Entity may also describe an environment, defined as technology
supporting a digital object in some way (e.g. by rendering or executing it). Environments can consist of
software, hardware, or a combination of both. |
SubClass Of: | Object |
Disjoint with: | Bitstream File Representation |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:License |
URI: | |
Label: | License |
Comment: | A license agreement or other legal document that grants rights. |
SubClass Of: | RightsBasis |
Disjoint with: | Copyright InstitutionalPolicy Statute |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Object |
URI: | |
Label: | Object |
Comment: | Discrete unit of information subject to digital preservation. Subclasses of Object are
Intellectual Entity, Representation, File and Bitstream. |
SubClass Of: | Entity ![]() |
SubClassed As: | Bitstream File IntellectualEntity Representation |
Properties include: | dependency policy rightsStatus |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Organization |
URI: | |
Label: | Organization |
SubClass Of: | Agent Organization ![]() Organization ![]() |
Disjoint with: | HardwareAgent Person SoftwareAgent |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:OutcomeStatus |
URI: | |
Label: | Outcome status |
Comment: | Overall result of the Event in terms of success, partial success, or failure. |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Person |
URI: | |
Label: | Person |
SubClass Of: | Agent Person ![]() Person ![]() |
Disjoint with: | HardwareAgent Organization SoftwareAgent |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:PreservationPolicy |
URI: | |
Label: | Preservation policy |
Comment: | Information indicating the decision or policy on the set of preservation functions to be
applied to an object and the context in which the decision or policy was made. Note that in addition to
subclasses declared at presLevType, SignificantProperties is also a subclass of PreservationPolicy.
Implementers may also wish to create locally-defined subclasses. |
SubClass Of: | dcterms:Policy ![]() |
SubClassed As: | SignificantProperties |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Representation |
URI: | |
Label: | Representation |
Comment: | Digital or physical Object instantiating or embodying an Intellectual Entity. A digital
representation is the set of stored digital files and structural metadata needed to provide a complete
and reasonable rendition of the Intellectual Entity. A physical representation is an item such as a
manuscript, video cassette, or printed document. |
SubClass Of: | Object |
Disjoint with: | Bitstream File IntellectualEntity |
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Class: | premis:RightsBasis |
URI: | |
Label: | Rights basis |
Comment: | Designation of the basis for the right or permission governing the Object. |
SubClassed As: | Copyright InstitutionalPolicy License Statute |
Properties include: | citation terms allows governs jurisdiction prohibits |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:RightsStatus |
URI: | |
Label: | Rights status |
Comment: | Information about how a RightsBasis applies to a particular object. |
Properties include: | determinationDate basis |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Rule |
URI: | |
Label: | Rule |
Comment: | Statement about the Actions an Agent is permitted to undertake or prohibited from
undertaking with respect to an Object. |
Properties include: | restriction act |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Signature |
URI: | |
Label: | Signature |
Comment: | Mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message,
software or digital document. |
Properties include: | validationRules encoding |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:SignatureEncoding |
URI: | |
Label: | Signature encoding |
Comment: | Encoding used for the signature value and key information. |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:SignificantProperties |
URI: | |
Label: | Significant properties |
Comment: | Characteristics of a particular object subjectively determined to be important to maintain
through preservation actions. |
SubClass Of: | PreservationPolicy |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:SoftwareAgent |
URI: | |
Label: | Software agent |
SubClass Of: | Agent SoftwareAgent ![]() |
Disjoint with: | HardwareAgent Organization Person |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:Statute |
URI: | |
Label: | Statute |
Comment: | A law that grants or revokes rights, such as laws governing privacy or orphan
works. |
SubClass Of: | RightsBasis |
Disjoint with: | Copyright License InstitutionalPolicy |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:StorageLocation |
URI: | |
Label: | Storage location |
Comment: | Information needed to retrieve a physical item from its physical storage location or a file
from the storage system, or to access a bitstream within a file. |
Properties include: | medium |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Class: | premis:StorageMedium |
URI: | |
Label: | Storage medium |
Comment: | The physical medium on which the Object is stored (e.g., magnetic tape, hard disk, CD-ROM,
DVD). |
[back to class list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:act |
URI: | |
Label: | act |
Domain: | Rule |
Range: | Action |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:allows |
URI: | |
Label: | allows |
Domain: | RightsBasis |
Range: | Rule |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:basis |
URI: | |
Label: | has basis |
Comment: | Links from a RightsStatus to the RightsBasis instance that supports or documents
it. |
Domain: | RightsStatus |
Range: | RightsBasis |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:characteristic |
URI: | |
Label: | has characteristic |
Domain: | Dependency |
Range: | EnvironmentCharacteristic |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:citation |
URI: | |
Label: | has citation |
Domain: | RightsBasis |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:compositionLevel |
URI: | |
Label: | has composition level |
Domain: | File |
Range: | nonNegativeInteger ![]() |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:dependency |
URI: | |
Label: | has dependency |
Domain: | Object |
Range: | Dependency |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:determinationDate |
URI: | |
Label: | has determination date |
SubProperty Of: | dcterms:date ![]() |
Domain: | RightsStatus |
Range: | date ![]() |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:documentation |
URI: | |
Label: | has documentation |
Range: | rdfs:Resource ![]() |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:encoding |
URI: | |
Label: | has encoding |
Domain: | Signature |
Range: | SignatureEncoding |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:endDate |
URI: | |
Label: | end date |
SubProperty Of: | dcterms:date ![]() |
Domain: | RightsStatus ∪ Rule |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:fixity |
URI: | |
Label: | has fixity |
Domain: | Bitstream ∪ File |
Range: | Fixity |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:governs |
URI: | |
Label: | governs |
Domain: | RightsBasis |
Range: | Object |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:identifier |
URI: | |
Label: | has identifier |
Range: | Identifier |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:inhibitedBy |
URI: | |
Label: | inhibited by |
Domain: | Bitstream ∪ File |
Range: | Inhibitor |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:inhibits |
URI: | |
Label: | inhibits |
Domain: | Inhibitor |
Range: | Action |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:jurisdiction |
URI: | |
Label: | has jurisdiction |
Domain: | RightsBasis |
Range: | rdfs:Resource ![]() |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:key |
URI: | |
Label: | has key |
Domain: | Inhibitor ∪ Signature |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:medium |
URI: | |
Label: | has medium |
Domain: | StorageLocation |
Range: | StorageMedium |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:note |
URI: | |
Label: | has note |
SubProperty Of: | dcterms:description ![]() |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:originalName |
URI: | |
Label: | has original name |
Domain: | File ∪ IntellectualEntity ∪ Representation |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:outcome |
URI: | |
Label: | has outcome |
Domain: | Event |
Range: | OutcomeStatus |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:outcomeNote |
URI: | |
Label: | has outcome note |
SubProperty Of: | note |
Domain: | Event |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:policy |
URI: | |
Label: | has policy |
Domain: | Object |
Range: | PreservationPolicy |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:prohibits |
URI: | |
Label: | prohibits |
Domain: | RightsBasis |
Range: | Rule |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:purpose |
URI: | |
Label: | has purpose |
Domain: | Dependency |
Range: | Action |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:rationale |
URI: | |
Label: | has rationale |
SubProperty Of: | note |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:relationship |
URI: | |
Label: | has relationship |
Domain: | Agent ∪ Object |
Range: | Object |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:restriction |
URI: | |
Label: | has restriction |
Domain: | Rule |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:rightsStatus |
URI: | |
Label: | has rights status |
SubProperty Of: | rights ![]() |
Domain: | Object |
Range: | RightsStatus |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:signature |
URI: | |
Label: | has signature |
Domain: | Bitstream ∪ File |
Range: | Signature |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:size |
URI: | |
Label: | has size |
Domain: | Bitstream ∪ File |
Range: | nonNegativeInteger ![]() |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:startDate |
URI: | |
Label: | start date |
SubProperty Of: | dcterms:date ![]() |
Domain: | RightsStatus ∪ Rule |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:storedAt |
URI: | |
Label: | stored at |
Domain: | Bitstream ∪ File ∪ Representation |
Range: | StorageLocation |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:terms |
URI: | |
Label: | has terms |
SubProperty Of: | note |
Domain: | RightsBasis |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:validationRules |
URI: | |
Label: | has validation rules |
SubProperty Of: | note |
Domain: | Signature |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
[back to property list] [back to top] |
Property: | premis:version |
URI: | |
Label: | has version |
Domain: | dcterms:FileFormat ![]() |
Range: | rdfs:Literal |
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