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Bibframe Instance

General Malterre's hospital, Paris, for re-operative surgery for men mutilated in the war. Showing on the right, the ward for twenty beds added by the American Red Cross. The work was completed in a month and will be formally opened by General Malterre on July 1st
Identified By
Lccn: 2017681477
Local: anrc2016015378 (assigner)
Physical details: glass Applies To: Applies To: all
Mutiles, pour Miss Harper.
Title, date and notes from Red Cross caption card.
Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleeve: M. Dehorgne.
Group title: Hospitals for Mutilated.
General information about the American National Red Cross photograph collection is available at
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5 x 7 in.
1 negative
Provision Activity
Publication: No place, unknown, or undetermined 1918
Publication: 14 June 1918
single unit
Usage And Access Policy
No known restrictions on publication. For information, see "American National Red Cross photograph collection,"
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Acquisition Source
DLC Stock Number:LC-DIG-anrc-16475 (digital file from original)