The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Instances

Bibframe Instance

Fiberglass manufacture, Owens-Corning, Toledo, Ohio. A warp beam of fine fiberglass yarns being put into a loom preparatory to weaving all-glass fabrics used to make electrical insulation, pipe lagging for naval vessels, and industrial service fabrics where high tensile strength, resistance to corrosive vapors, and non-inflammability help improve performance, save weight, and add dependability to vital equipment. Uses and applications of fiberglass materials are covered by many Federal, Army, Navy and Maritime Commission specifications
Identified By
Lccn: 2017690562
Local: oem2002001489/PP (assigner)
Color Content
black and white
Physical details: safety Applies To: Applies To: all
Actual size of negative is C (approximately 4 x 5 inches).
Title and other information from caption card.
More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at
Could not render: bf:electronicLocator
4 x 5 inches or smaller.
1 negative
Provision Activity
Publication: Ohio 1942
Publication: 1942 Feb
single unit
Acquisition Source
DLC Stock Number:LC-USE6-D-002692 (b&w film neg.)