The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Instances

Bibframe Instance

Auto conversion to airplane engines. With normal operations of this automobile factory suspended for the duration, the gigantic task of converting the entire plant (floor space: 500' x 900') to war production was taken over by the National Defense Plant Corporation. This involved all degrees of remodelling, the removal of old and installation of new machinery, and extensive rebuilding of the plant itself. This hand milling machine, formerly used in manufacture of automobile motors, has been converted to production of airplane engines. In peacetime it was used to mill the pulley keyway on the front of crankshafts. It cost $150 to convert this $1,800 machine with installation of a special fixture to enable milling of staking nicks at each end of crankpin oil hobs. Chevrolet, Buffalo, New York
Identified By
Lccn: 2017691091
Local: oem2002002018/PP (assigner)
Color Content
black and white
Physical details: safety Applies To: Applies To: all
Actual size of negative is C (approximately 4 x 5 inches).
Title and other information from caption card.
More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at
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4 x 5 inches or smaller.
1 negative
Provision Activity
Publication: New York (State) 1942
Publication: 1942 Feb
single unit
Acquisition Source
DLC Stock Number:LC-USE6-D-003254 (b&w film neg.)